Neural Circuits and Cognition Lab
The goal of our research program is to understand how cognitive functions are mediated by interactions of cortical and subcortical circuits. Our primary focus is to elucidate how the brain pays attention to motivational salient stimuli and amplifies the associated cortical processing by engaging a key neural circuit we identified in recent years - salience-encoding neurons in the basal forebrain (BF). The laboratory combines multiple experimental approaches, including neuronal ensemble recording in behaving rats and mice, as well as behavioral, optogenetic, pharmacological and computational techniques. Our ultimate goal is to develop therapeutic interventions that can be used to alleviate impairments in attention control in conditions such as aging, schizophrenia and ADHD.
Updates & News
2024/03: 恭喜 林彥霆 在神研所碩士論文競賽贏得神研所所長獎
2024/01: 恭喜 鐘佑哲 贏得 TIGP INS annual retreat 海報競賽優勝
2023/07: New lab paper published in Nature Communications
2023/04: 恭喜 陳泓諺 在神研所碩士論文競賽贏得生科院院長獎
2022/10: 恭喜 劉思妏 鐘佑哲 劉曉甄 丁冠云 贏得生命科學院三分鐘生科論文英文口說競賽獎項
2022/09: 恭喜 劉曉甄 鐘佑哲 李欣蓓 贏得 第二屆TSfN跨領域神經科學國際研討會 TSfN 2022 Oral Blitz 優勝
2022/05/18: 恭喜 李欣蓓 代表神研所贏得 陽明大學碩士班優良論文獎學金入圍獎
2022/04/03: New lab preprints on bioRxiv: A retrospective and stepwise learning strategy revealed by neuronal activity in the basal forebrain
2022/01/27: Congratulation to 鐘佑哲 for winning 1st place award in the TIGP INS annual retreat poster competition
2021/06: Dr. Shih-Chieh Lin received the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) 國際年輕傑出學者研究計畫
2021/06/27: Congratulations to 丁冠云 for winning 2nd place award in the Physiology Society Annual Meeting poster competition (生理學會年會壁報論文競賽)
2020/05/19: 恭喜 謝昆霖 代表神研所參加 陽明交通大學碩士班優良論文獎競賽
2020/07/02: Workshop: Neurophysiology Reimagined (技術交流工作坊:次世代活體多電極紀錄平台)
2020/06/18: Congratulations to 張嫚珊, who is awarded MOST College Student Research Creativity Award (科技部109年度「大專學生研究計畫」)
2020/05/19: 恭喜 謝雨蓁 代表神研所贏得 陽明大學碩士班優良論文獎學金入圍獎
2020/01/18: Congratulations to 謝雨蓁 for winning the Outstanding Award in the Student Presentation Competition in the 2020 Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting (台灣認知神經科學年會 學生優秀論文競賽優等獎)
2019/08/28: Dr. Shih-Chieh Lin received the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Shackleton Program Grant (沙克爾頓計劃)
2019/06/24: Congratulations to 林育慧 , who is awarded MOST College Student Research Creativity Award (科技部108年度「大專學生研究計畫」)