Lab Members

Principal Investigator

Professor, Institute of Neuroscience, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University, Taiwan (since 2017)

Szwen Liu   劉思妏

PhD student (2020-)

清大生命科學系 / 陽明交通大學神研所 碩士班直升

Hsiao-Chen Liu   劉曉甄

PhD student (2020-)

高醫大生醫系 / 陽明交通大學神研所 碩士班直升

You-Jhe Jhong   鐘佑哲

TIGP INS PhD student (2021-)

陽明大學生科系 / 陽明交通大學神研所 碩士

Kuan-Yun Ting   丁冠云

PhD student (2021-)

陽明大學生科系 / 陽明交通大學神研所 碩士

Chen-Hwa Chen  陳震樺

TIGP INS PhD student (2023-)

陽明大學生科系 / 陽明交通大學神研所 碩士

Yen-Ting Lin   林彥霆

Master's student (2022-)

中山大學 生科系

Ming-Chuan Chen 陳明涓

Master's student (2023-)


Hung-Yen Chen 陳泓諺

PhD student (2024-)

陽明大學生科系 / 陽明交通大學神研所 碩士

Shu-Ting Wu    吳舒婷

Technician (2018-)


Hsin-I Cheng   鄭欣怡

Undergraduate (2023-)

陽明交通大學 生科系

Mentorship and Trainee Awards

Lab News!


NIA Post Baccalaureate Distinguished Mentor Award (2016)

NIH Graduate Partnerships Program Outstanding Mentor Award (2014)

Honors and Awards for Trainees 

林彥霆, 神研所碩士論文競賽贏得神研所所長獎, 2024

鐘佑哲, TIGP INS annual retreat 海報競賽優勝, 2024

陳泓諺 , 神研所碩士論文競賽第二名,贏得生科院院長獎, 2023

劉曉甄 鐘佑哲 李欣蓓,  第二屆TSfN跨領域神經科學國際研討會 TSfN 2022 Oral Blitz 優勝

李欣蓓 ,  代表神研所贏得 陽明大學碩士班優良論文獎學金入圍獎, 2022

鐘佑哲 ,  1st place award in the TIGP INS annual retreat poster competition, 2022

丁冠云 ,  2nd place award in the Physiology Society Annual Meeting poster competition (生理學會年會壁報論文競賽), 2021

謝昆霖 ,  代表神研所參加 陽明交通大學碩士班優良論文獎競賽, 2021

張嫚珊 ,   MOST College Student Research Creativity Award (科技部109年度 大專學生研究計畫), 2020

謝雨蓁 ,  代表神研所贏得 陽明大學碩士班優良論文獎學金入圍獎, 2020

謝雨蓁 ,   Outstanding Award in the Student Presentation Competition, Taiwan Society of Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting (台灣認知神經科學年會 學生優秀論文競賽優等獎), 2020

林育慧,  MOST College Student Research Creativity Award (科技部108年度 大專學生研究計畫), 2019

Manzur H.: 2015 NIH Fellows Award for Research Excellence (FARE)

Scaglione A.: 2nd place award for the best systems neuroscience poster (postdoc category) at the Baltimore Chapter of Society for Neuroscience poster session, 2014

Mayse J.D.: NIH NRSA F31 Grant (F31AG045039), The Neural Basis of Response Inhibition, 2013

Deshpande K.S.: Barbara A. Hughes Award of Excellence for best poster among summer student interns, National Institute on Aging, 2013

Nguyen D.P.: Nathan W. Shock Postdoctoral Travel Award, National Institute on Aging, 2012

Nelson G.M.: NIH postbac award at NIH postbac poster day 2011

Nelson G.M.: The Scientific Director's Award at NIA postbac poster day 2011

Nguyen D.P.: Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) postdoctoral fellowship for foreign researchers (short-term), 2010

Lab Alumni 

Alumni @ NYCU INS lab

Cheng-Ze Lee   李承澤

Master's student (2017-2020) Research Assistant (2020-2022)

Yu-Chen Hsieh   謝雨蓁

Master's student (2018-2020)


陽明大學 醫學系 (2018-2020)

Chiung-Wen Ma   麻瓊文

Master's student (2018-2020)

Mu-En Kuo   郭沐恩

Master's student (2019-2021)

Kuan-Yun Ting   丁冠云

Master's student (2019-2021)
PhD student (2021-)

Kun-Lin Hsieh   謝昆霖

Master's student (2019-2021)
Research Assistant (2021-2022)

You-Jhe Jhong   鐘佑哲

Master's student (2019-2021)
PhD student (2021-)

Yi-Chia Huang   黃怡嘉

Research Assistant (2020-2021)

Hsin-Pei Lee   李欣蓓

Master's student (2020-2022)
Research Assistant (2022-2024

Ai-Yu Chuang   莊艾于

Master's student (2020-2022

Ming-Ching Chiang, PhD   江明憬

Postdoctoral Fellow (2019-2023)

Chen-Hwa Chen  陳震樺

Master's student (2021-2023)
PhD student (2023-)

Hung-Yen Chen 陳泓諺

Master's student (2022-2024)
PhD student (2024-)

Man-Shan Chang  張嫚珊

Master's student (2021-2024) 

Undergraduate students

2023: 鄭欣怡生科系)

2022: 林姵蓁 (不分系)鄭綺宥 李沐澄 (生科系)Emmalyn Tavani 唐愛玲 (Exchange student)  

2021:  姜林予磐 (醫學系)翁睿暄 

2020:  陳唯真 (醫學系)張嫚珊,  陳震樺 , 陳泓諺(生科系)

2019:  劉殷豪, 江寧, 王可可, 李政哲 (醫學系)

2018:  倪詠綸, 劉昱 (醫學系)

Summer interns

2021: Morris Lin, 台北復興高中

2020: Daniel Ku; Kaitlyn Hu, Taipei American School

2019: Jimmy Su, Taipei American School

2019: Ying-Yi Lam, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

2019: Chang-Ting Yeh, NYU Shanghai, Neural Science Major

2019: 陳祺侑, Yang-Ming University, Medical Student

2018: Brandon Lim, Taipei American School 

2018: Duncan Chang, Taipei American School

Alumni @ NIH lab

Postdoctoral fellows (immediate position after leaving the lab)

1.       David P. Nguyen (2010-2013): Senior Manager, Translational Neuroscience, Pfizer Inc

2.       Irene Avila (2010-2014): Scientific Program Analyst, Scientific Workforce Diversity, Office of the Director, NIH

3.       Sylvina M. Raver (2014-2015): Training & Policy Manager at Society for Neuroscience

4.       Hachi Manzur (2011-2016): Neurology Resident at University of Chile

5.       Alessandro Scaglione (2011-2017): Research Associate, European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy

Graduate students (immediate position after leaving the lab)

1.        Jeffrey D. Mayse (co-mentoring with Michela Gallagher) (2010-2014): Postdoctoral fellow, Brown University


IRTA students (NIH Postbaccalaureate training program, immediate position after leaving the lab)

1.        Geoffrey M. Nelson (2009-2011): PhD at MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, UK

2.        Ksenia Vlasov (2013-2015): Research Assistant, MIT/Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA

3.        Nathan W. Whitmore (2014-2016): Neuroscience PhD program, Northwesten University

4.        Ruby Lam (2014-2016): Neuroscience PhD program, NIH/Brown University

5.        Jing Liang (2015-2016): Neuroscience PhD program, NIH/Brown University

6.        Ashley Nelson, MS (2016-2017): MD/PhD program, University of Arizona

7.        Aleksandra S. Safonova (2016-2017): Medical School, University of Pittsburgh

8.        Shehzad S. Ukani, MS (2016-2017): Technical IRTA fellow at NIDA IRP

9.        Marlian Montesinos-Cartagena (2016-2017): Postbaccalaureate fellow at NIDA IRP

10.     Joshua B. Hunt (2016-2017): Neuroscience PhD program, University of Colorado Denver

11.     Jay K. Gupta (2016-2017): MD program, Stony Brook University School of Medicine


Summer and visiting students

1.   Kaivalya S. Deshpande (2013), University of Michigan

2.   Matthew Vetere (2015), Syracuse University

3.   Shih-Yi Chuang (2016-2017), National Cheng-Kung University, Taiwan

Last updated on 2024/06/09